How Seniors Can Keep Their Eyes Healthy

The American Optometric Association advises that people over 60 are especially susceptible to eye diseases. Poor vision diminishes a senior's quality of life and compromises their safety. Ultimately, healthy eyesight is crucial to guaranteeing your or a loved one's safety, which is why all adults need to retain clear vision. Home Care Edmonton shares some tips for eyes care: Have Frequent Eye Tests Eye tests aren't merely for ensuring that eyeglasses are still working. This vision care for elders is also vital for eye health. A test can detect cataracts or glaucoma. Also, eye exams can detect high blood pressure and diabetes. Optometrists do eye exams. It's vital to notice visual abnormalities or a progressive eye issue so treatment can begin in time. Eat Right Four vitamins are essential to senior eye health. • Vitamin A • B vitamins • Vitamin C • Vitamin E Evidence suggests that Vitamin C guards against cataracts and Age-Related Macular Degen...