Senior Proofing Your Home: Why It Is Necessary

Senior proofing a home involves eliminating slipping and tripping hazards. Fire safety is a consideration. You may have to alter the living space to compensate for decreased cognition. Here is why time and money dedicated to making your home safer for an older loved one is well spent. Edmonton Home Care Services has some useful information for you; Reduced Risk of Falling There are 47 million senior citizens living in the U.S. Close to 16 million of those older citizens will fall this year. More than half of those falls will occur in the home and result in four million hospitalizations. One-quarter of older people who lose their balance will not survive their injuries. Senior falls will account for 40% of nursing home admissions and 6.4 million people losing their independence. Reduced Broken Hip Risk The majority of falls that result in a broken hip happen in the home. There is a 33.3% chance that a person over 50 will succumb to a hip fracture. Recovering from hip surgery pl...